مؤسسة الشروق
27 November

Shoruq Organization holds an artistic event to showcase the talents and improved skills of its new Music and Dabkeh Program’s beneficiaries.

Shoruq Organization organized a successful artistic event on the 26th of October with the participation of the young children of Shoruq’s Music and Dabkeh Program. The two-hour event took place at President Putin Cultural Center in Bethlehem, and was attended by hundreds of people; the majority of whom were the...

12 Sep

Terms Of Reference - Shoruq Organization - Mid-term Evaluation

BACKGROUND Shoruq is a non-profit organization founded in Dheisheh refugee camp in 2012. Shoruq’s vision, mission, objectives and programs are geared towards a political, social, cultural and economic prosperity and dignified life for all refugees in Occupied Palestine and the Diaspora, and empowering refugees in...

مؤسسة الشروق
12 Sep

Shoruq Organization launches the Palestinian Refugee Film Festival (PRFF) in its third edition this year:

(Dheisheh Refugee Camp) – For the third year in a row, Shoruq Organization is organizing its renowned Film Festival, which specifically focuses on short films that address the issues of refugees in general, with a particular emphasis on Palestinian refugees and their struggles. The main objectives of the festival...

7 Jun

TERMS OF REFERENCE TOT Training - Graphic Design

TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOT Training) Graphic Design    BACKGROUND Shoruq is a non profit organization founded in Dheisheh refugee camp in 2012. Shoruq’s vision, mission, objectives and programs are geared towards a political, social, cultural and economic prosperity and dignified life for all...

مؤسسة الشروق
12 Sep

مؤسسة شروق تُطلق مهرجان سينما اللاجئين بدورته الثالثة لهذه السنة

 (مخيم الدهيشة) – للعام الثالث على التوالي، تنظم مؤسسة شروق مهرجان سينما اللاجئين والذي يهتم بالأفلام القصيرة التي تناقش قضايا اللاجئين الفلسطينيين بشكل خاص واللاجئين حول العالم بشكل عام. ومن أهداف المهرجان لهذا العام زيادة الوعي الثقافي وتعزيز دور الفن والثقافة في خلق محتوى سينمائي يعكس القضايا الحقوقية للشعب...

27 May

Shoruq Organization Releases a Legal Article Entitled “The Different Forms of Discrimination Against the Palestinian Minority in Israel (by Ramez Alhayek).

Shoruq Organization has recently published a legal article written by Ramez Alhayek that thoroughly examines the various forms of discrimination that the Palestinian minority is subjected to, focusing on three areas of focus, which include political, social, and economic aspects. “The establishment of Israel...

مؤسسة الشروق
18 Apr

الشروط العامة للمشاركة في عطاء

أولا: إعداد وتقديم العروض من قبل المتناقصين: يعـد المنـاقص عرضـه وأسعاره على الجداول والنماذج والوثـائق المرفقـة بدعوة العطـاء بعد أن يقرأ هذه الوثائق ويتفهم جميع ما ورد ويختم ويوقع كافة وثـائق دعـوة العطـاء ويقدمها ضـمن العـرض كاملـة على إن يتحمل كافة النتائج المترتبة على عدم قيامه بالتدقيق والاستكمال بصورة...

25 May

Shoruq Organization Launches ‘Stations’ Campaign Commemorating the 73rd Anniversary of the Nakba.

Due to the grave human rights violations of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarah and the Gaza Strip and to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba , Shoruq Organization has launched an extensive media campaign entitled ‘ محطات ’ or ‘ ٍ Stations ’ in English. The main objective behind this campaign is to...

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